Torah With Rosie - For Women
Relevant Messages from the Weekly Torah Portion and Current Holidays

Instructor: Rosie Weinstein

Join the varied women from all walks of life who receive inspiration and meaning around Rosie’s dining room table, as she shares her heart and spirit. Using the weekly Torah portion and holidays as a guide, the discussion focuses on how they are relevant, meaningful and inspiring for our day-to-day living.

Email [email protected]
or call 215.497.9925.



For Women
Wednesday Mornings,
11:00am -12:00pm

At the home of Rosie Weinstein | 201 N State Street, Newtown
October 10, 17, 24, 31
November 21, 28 
December 5, 19, 26 
January 2, 9, 30
February 13, 20, 27
March 13, 27
May 15, 22, 29