Aleph Bet School
$500 sponsors a day at Aleph Bet School (Sunday or Wednesday)
$1,000 sponsors a week at Aleph Bet School
$3,600 sponsors a month at Aleph Bet School
$36,000 sponsors a year at Aleph Bet School

Aura Women’s Event
$1000 - Aura Event Sponsor
$1800 - Aura Annual Sponsor

Bat Mitzvah Club
$500 Bat Mitzvah Club meeting sponsor
$1000 Bat Mitzvah Club monthly sponsor
$3600 Bat Mitzvah Club Annual sponsor

Jewish Learning Academy
$3600 - 6-week JLI Course
$2500 - 4-week JLA Course
$1800 - JLA Lecture
$360 - JLA Class

Holiday Programs
$5,000 sponsors the community Sukkot program
$5,000 sponsors the community Chanukah programs
$2,500 sponsors a single Chanukah program (one of the many community parties)
$5,000 sponsors the community Purim programs
$2,500 sponsors an individual Purim program (Megilah Reading or Community Dinner)
$5,000 sponsors the community Passover programs
$5,000 sponsors the community Lag B’Omer program
$18,000 sponsors the entire year of community Holiday programs

For contributions of $100 - $1,800
$100 sponsors a book in the Schnur Library
$2,500 sponsors a shelf in the Schnur Library
$10,000 sponsor a bookcase in the Schnur Library
Sponsor a brick: TBA
Sponsor a tile: TBA
Sponsor a leaf: TBA
Camp Gan Izzy
$500 sponsors a day at Gan Izzy Day Camp
$1,800 sponsors a week at Gan Izzy Day Camp
$5,000 sponsors a month at Gan Izzy Day Camp
$18,000 sponsors the entire Gan Izzy Day Camp

J Café Library
$360 sponsors a day at the J Café
$1,000 sponsors a week at the J Café
$5,000 sponsors a month at the J Café
$36,000 sponsors the entire year at J Café

Friendship Circle
$180 sponsors a Friends at home visit
$500 sponsors a week of Friendship Circle programming
$1,800 sponsors a month of Friendship Circle programming
$3,600 sponsors a Friendship Circle Family program
$5,000 sponsors a Friendship Circle Sports League (Soccer or Bowling)
$10,000 sponsors the Friendship Circle Summer Day Camp
$36,000 sponsors a year of Friendship Circle programming

Shabbat Dinner
$1,800 sponsors the monthly First Friday Shabbat Dinner in Yardley
$10,000 sponsors the entire year of First Friday Shabbat Dinners

Building Dedications Availabilities
Lubavitch Chabad of Bucks County Community Campus... $1,000,000
J Café Gateway (with outside signage)...$360,000
J Café Gateway (without outside signage)...$250,000

Adult Education Wing...$100,000

 Youth Education Wing...$180,000
Lower Level Youth Wing...$100,000

Youth Art Room...$100,000

 Youth Lounge...$75,000

Prayer Room...$50,000

** We are currently in the process of creating a donate a brick campaign as well as “Vine of Blessings” Dedication board in our center to recognize ALL level of contributions.

Pledge Form
I/We hereby pledge to give the sum of $ to help Chabad Lubavitch of Bucks County. I/We have delineated above the dedication we have selected for our pledge.
We plan on paying off our pledge: 
Payment in full  Anually  Quarterly  Monthly
Contact Information
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